Liberal Democrat

Liberal Democrat
Father of American Liberalism

Monday, February 24, 2014

Rebuild The Dream-CNN: Crossfire- Debating The Minimum Wage

Source: Rebuild The Dream- Economist Stephen Moore-
Source: This piece was originally posted at The New Democrat

You would think people who call themselves Conservatives (and I say that because it is debatable whether these people are conservatives), you would think these so-called Conservatives who are opposed to public assistance, or even the minimum wage would be in favor of raising it modestly. Because it would mean these workers would have more income to pay their own bills and as a result need less in public assistance. If you're opposed to Welfare in general, then that means corporate welfare as well. Which is welfare (or subsidies) that go to business's and even individuals, simply for just being successful. To oil companies simply for drilling oil in America. Which would be just one example. Or allowing a rich individual to right off their losses when their business goes into the ground. But another example of corporate welfare would be public assistance. That is financial assistance for low-income workers who are simply not paid enough money by their employers to allow for them to live independently and live in freedom. That allows for business's to pass on the cost of their employees to taxpayers. Business's pay their low-income workers very little and as a result their cost of doing business goes on to the back of hard-working middle class Americans. Which is another form of welfare.
Rebuild The Dream-CNN: Crossfire- Debating The Minimum Wage

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