Liberal Democrat

Liberal Democrat
Father of American Liberalism

Monday, November 10, 2014

Robin Smith: Hugh Hefner- 'Playboy, Activist & Rebel'

Source:Robin Smith- CBS News 60 Minutes Correspondent Mike Wallace.
"An intimate look at the out­spoken, flam­boyant founder of the Playboy empire. With humour and insight, the film captures Hefner's fierce battles with the gov­ern­ment, the reli­gious right and militant fem­in­ists. Rare footage and com­pel­ling inter­views with a remark­able who's who of 20th century American pop culture, present a bril­liant and enter­taining snapshot of the life of an extraordinary man and the con­tro­ver­sies that sur­rounded him."

From Robin Smith

I laugh every time I hear people call Hugh Hefner a radical or an extremist or immoral doing the work for the Devil. Whatever it might be because Hugh Hefner represents what an overwhelming majority of Americans say they are in favor of. And what the Far-Right and Far-Left in America are against which is individual freedom. The right of Americans to be able to live their own lives and not be dictated to by government or collectivists. Who believe they know better than Americans how Americans should live their own lives.

What makes Hef different from most Americans who believe in individual-freedom is that Hef is honest and public about his feelings as they relate to sex and how men feel about women and vice-versa and the role of both in society and so-forth. Where many other Americans who believe in the same things as Hef economic freedom balanced with personal freedom including sexual freedom, tolerance and against statism. And the political correctness police, but are not as public with their beliefs.

Hugh Hefner is not some type of Socialist radical looking to bring down corporate America and make the whole country dependent on the state for their well-being. But he’s also not some type of theocrat looking to ban all social activities that he doesn’t approve of. He represents where the mainstream of America is instead. And is very successful in corporate America himself fighting for. And promoting what he’s always been both which is individual freedom. As well economic freedom balanced with personal freedom.

Hefner united the Far-Left and Far-Right against him and in some cases for the same reasons with how his magazine talks about and promotes sex in America. Sharing his thoughts as well as his writers thoughts. But also how many other Americans feel, but who tend not to be as public about those feelings.

Hugh Hefner is not saying you must live like him and this is the American way of life. What he’s saying is this is how he lives and is the life for him. And that every other American has the right to make these decisions for themselves. 

You can also see this post at The New Democrat, on Blogger.

1 comment:

  1. You can also see this post at The New Democrat: on Blogger.


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