Liberal Democrat

Liberal Democrat
Father of American Liberalism

Saturday, February 16, 2013

PBS: U.S. Senator Tim Kaine- 'Introduces The Created Equal Project'

Source:PBS- U.S Senator Tim Kaine (Democrat, Virginia) 
"Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) introduces the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Created Equal Project. The initiative showcases powerful NEH-funded films, including The Abolitionists, Freedom Riders, and The Loving Story — films that provide a deeper understanding of African American history and the American story."

From PBS

I support public broadcasting as far as the programming they put on as well as the National Endowment for the Humanities and so-forth. Again, as far as the programming they deliver and the fact they support our current affairs and history programming, as well as our arts and education. Through non-profits and I realize these budgets are only around ten-billion-dollars, if that.

But in the time of high national debt and budget deficits, this is not something that taxpayers should be forced to spend money on when we have a sluggish economy that didn't grow at all in the last quarter of 2012. With high unemployment, as well as private debt, that instead we would be better off using that money for deficit reduction, or economic development like in the area of infrastructure investment, or energy, or tax cuts for business's that invest, expand and hire in America. Which is what we should be doing with these resources instead of forcing taxpayers to pay for to support our history, culture and current affairs programming, as well as the arts.

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