Liberal Democrat

Liberal Democrat
Father of American Liberalism

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Benny C: Alex Jones Show- 'Lord Christopher Moncton: Marxists Now Taking Over UKIP Members Children'

Source:Benny C- Lord Moncton, talking about so-called British Marxists.

"Lord Christopher Monckton talks about the British state kidnapping children from UKIP members and other efforts to attack the anti-establishment political party. Science & Public Policy Institute

From Benny C

Good to hear some real conservative opposition thought in Britain, at times even British Conservatives sound like Progressives or Social Democrats in Britain. Doesn't mean I agree with Lord Christopher Moncton as someone who is not a Nationalist which is what this guy sounds like as someone who believes foreigners and other are trying to brainwash British children. 

Britain does now have a growing nationalistic Far-Right even what is called in America a Tea Party. And I have more faith in the local auto mechanic's knowledge about brain surgery than I have in Alex Jones when it comes to anything related to news and current affairs in general. 

UK Conservatives and even their leader Prime Minister David Cameron, have somewhat of a tendency to sound like American Progressives or Social Democrats when it comes to social policy. Not as Far-Left as the Labour Party (but who is, at this point) in Britain, which is hard to do even in Britain. But not what in America would be known as a center-right Conservative Party that promotes individual freedom and conserving the U.S. Constitution.

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