Liberal Democrat

Liberal Democrat
Father of American Liberalism

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Info Wars: Larry Elder- 'Democrats: The True Racists'

Source:Info Wars- right-wing radio talk show host Larry Elder, calling Democrats the true racists.
"Democrats, The True Racists - HD" Originally from Info Wars, but I guess this video was deleted when YouTube deleted Alex Jones's and company YouTube channels. 

Larry Elder was apparently referring to the Southern Democrats (the Dixiecrats) who were Neo-Confederates (right-wing Southern Nationalists) the whole time that they were in the Democratic Party, up until the point that they left the Democratic Party in the 1970s and 1980s, in opposition of the Democratic Party now being in favor of civil and constitutional right for all Americans. Not just for Anglo-Saxon, Protestant, rural men, who've been in country ever since their ancestors left Britain in the 1600s or so. 

What the Larry Elder''s of the world never mention (probably intentionally) is that the Dixiecrats of the 1950s and 60s, who overwhelmingly opposed the civil rights legislation of that era, are Far-Right Republicans today. 

Strom Thurmond and many others who were Far-Right Democrats in the 1960s and 60s, late became Far-Right Republicans. Senator Thurmond (for example) left the Democratic Party in 1964, over his opposition to the civil rights legislation of that decade, for the Republican Party and died as a Republican in 2002. And there are many other examples like that. 

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